Today marks yet another in a long string of sad days in American history as we continue our ever increasing slide into socialism, which has been ongoing for about a century.
When you remove free market principles and controls from any commodity or service, the price of said commodity or service will inevitably go up. This has been demonstrated over and over. It can also be seen in a simple contrast between our country and nations that have been marked by governmental control.
By increasing regulations and adding numerous layers of paperwork, it becomes so much more difficult for any start up or smaller providers/companies to compete. This will then end up distilling down to just a few who can provide a service or product, which inevitably makes said product or service even more expensive (as well as giving a consumer less choice and diversity). What happens next is that those few entities (including governments and corporations) will then accumulate more power and control, thus limiting the freedom in the marketplace all the more with a resultant continued spiral of costs out of control.
You can trace this process to what has happened to the cost of our educational system, in our energy delivery industries (thanks environmentalist wackos) and has been happening for a long time in health care. This will continue to be the case as long as the free market is driven from health care delivery. Unfortunately, today's appalling decision by "supreme" court courtesy of justice Roberts has driven our nation even further down this destructive pathway. Costs will rise, availability and diversity will decrease, and rationing will inevitably follow.
Pray for the people of America wake up and reclaim freedom in this nation before it is too late.
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