
Christina's Viola Recital

For all of our faraway family and friends, here are the links to Christina's recent viola recital.  It took place nearly a month ago, but I had to wait until my tech support (i.e. Sarah P.) arrived from North Carolina to help me get the videos up.  

Here is the blurb from the "official" bio on the program:

"Christina is 15 years old and is going into 10th grade.  She has been playing viola for 3 1/2 years and has played in two weddings and one funeral.  She likes drawing, reading, and playing music at her church.  Christina will be playing "Canonic Sonata #2, Spiritoso & Allegro assai by George Frederick Telemann, accompanied by Mrs. Groenleer." 

Recital video #1

Recital video #2

(Sorry about the coughing epidemic in the first video.   Unpleasant to listen to, I know.  Just be grateful you didn't have to breathe it in like the rest of us did;)

1 comment:

S.E. Painter said...

tech support... ha! i didn't do anything special... i can understand why you wouldn't want to waste 24+ hrs attempting to load two videos... makes me thankful for any pictures we do happen to see...