Now multiply those images by 250 and you will have a taste of what I really saw. My phone is simply too puny and my technological impairments too great to capture the splendor.
There was, however, one evening that outdid them all. It was two weeks ago on one of those breathtaking autumn days that are almost worth the price of winter.
The color on the trees was at its peak. The sky was churning with silver and gold clouds. Leaves were swirling around my feet, and the wind at my back made me feel fast.
Fifty-four degrees. Almost twilight. Perfect!
I pushed up and around two tight bends in the trail and...
...suddenly I was standing at the top of a brilliant, tree-rimmed ridge. The sky was towering and dark all around me, gray clouds folding over one another like waves, except for five brilliant fingers of light that punched through to flood a distant hill in glory.
And right above me, a blue patch of sky and a warm light on my face.
But the thing that made me catch my breath in wonder was the realization that this fleeting moment was all for me.
An incredible extravagance of beauty was here and my eyes were the only ones with the privilege of taking it in.
Call it arrogance. Call it naivete. Call it sentimental pish posh, but I have gathered moments like these since my childhood, stopping in mid stride whenever they come upon me, stretching out my senses to capture every drop of wonder from the scene, and then folding the memory inside my mind like a fragile treasure.
In those moments of sacred beauty I have been drawn to praise, and in that praise, I have felt the presence of a God who delights to give good gifts to His children.
Is it too much to think that He planned that moment (and so many others) for me in order to turn my heart toward joy? In order to remind me that I not only know, but am known?
In the swirl of confusion, chaos, pain, and disappointment down here, God is still singing love songs to us via the marvels and majesty He has flung to every corner of the universe.
My only regret is that worry and distraction have kept me from seeing His hand as often as I should.
How can I be so intent on getting the "next thing" done that I fail to marvel over the exquisite curve of my little boy's cheek or the way the sun glints off my daughter's hair?
How can I take for granted the comfortable delights of my relationship with Jamey?
What of the hundreds of intricately designed and delicately tinted flowers that budded, bloomed, and died in the gardens outside my doors as I rushed past them all summer?
How about the view from my front window?
It quickened my heart when I first saw it seven years ago--a rolling green lawn framed by gardens and trees, a meandering creek under a weeping willow, a wildflower field, and beyond that, a peaceful mosaic of fields and fences, ancient oaks and old barns.
Lovely! But now it has to be transformed by a new frost or a pink sunrise or a fresh snow to get my attention.
I guess what I am saying to God is both "Thank You" and "I'm sorry".
Thank You for showing me Your great love in moments big and small. Thank You for helping me to see them, and please help me to see them more and to love You more.
That said, I'm sorry for missing so many of the gifts You have sent, and for growing immune to the wonder in the gifts I once cherished. I long for the day that my craving for what is fresh and novel will not blind me to the treasures I already have around me.
Most of all, I pray that my heart would grow ever closer to Yours--that I would know you better, and rest in the wonder of being known--and that my mouth would be increasingly full of Your praises, of which You are eminently worthy!
It is written in the colors of a thousand autumn twilights
Painted in the eyes of a child
Spoken as forgiveness by an honest open hand
It's the friend who will walk the extra mile
It's the friend who will walk the extra mile
It's the giving where there is not enough
There is everywhere the evidence of love
Open your eyes
And look upon the handiwork of God
Open your soul
And feel the breath of glory all around
For everywhere there's evidence of love
It's living in the rich earth, waving in the wind
It's music that moves us to believe
And dying in a small town, knowing where true life begins
It's hope beyond what we can see
It's the mercy when tears are not enough
There is everywhere
The evidence of love
Open your eyes
And look upon the handiwork of God
Open your soul
And feel the breath of glory all around
For everywhere there's evidence of love
A simple crucifix hanging on the wall
Everywhere, there's evidence of love
--Lyrics to "Evidence of Love" by First Call
Psalm 148:1-4
Praise the Lord.
Praise the Lord from the heavens;
praise him in the heights above.
praise him in the heights above.
Praise him, all his angels;
praise him, all his heavenly hosts.
Praise him, sun and moon;
praise him, all you shining stars.
Praise him, you highest heavens
and you waters above the skies!
praise him, all his heavenly hosts.
Praise him, sun and moon;
praise him, all you shining stars.
Praise him, you highest heavens
and you waters above the skies!
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