
Hello everyone, this is Rebekah reporting! Seeing as how nothing has happened since last year, it should be no problem updating you, right? (sarcasm) Okay, let's see. I hope you like to read because this might take a while. We just got back from visiting family in Vermont! The drive was about seventeen hours in total including stops because we weren't able to drive through Canada. Everyone did okay, including our two foster kids, Kaiden and Keira. The weather was beautiful and we spent as much time outside as possible. My uncle has sheep, fourteen lambs and ducklings. Christina and I enjoyed helping take care of them (feeding, moving to new pasture, etc.) We are looking forward to seeing them again when they come down in June.

On a more personal note, I finished my school year in early May. I have to say this year has been my favorite high school year yet and I just completed my sophomore year. For my main subjects, I took Challenge I with an awesome teacher named Dawn Knott. Besides having a cool name, she was extremely patient with my class. I was one of seven students and the rest were boys. To make it worse, they were all (excepting one) over six feet to my astonishing five three and a quarter. As I recently told my dad, when you're as short as I am, you know exactly how tall you are since you claim every centimeter. Anyway, I'm getting sidetracked. My subjects included Latin, Physical Science, Literature, and Debate to name the subjects we did both semesters.

One of my other favorites was Drama, which we did first semester. We read Shakespeare's Taming of the Shrew and for our assignment, we acted the last act of the play where the shrew is finally tamed. If you must know, I was the shrew, Katherine, and got to memorize and give a three minute speech. My mom said she's going to post the video she got of it but I'll try and talk her out of it. It's actually quite funny. Outside of Challenge, I took Chemistry and Algebra.

As for my musical studies, I have been continuing my harp and loving every minute of it. My cousin even asked me to play in her wedding!!!! Christina will be playing her viola with me. In total, we probably have an hour and half worth of music. I asked my cousin some details about where it would be and it's going to be over a lake. When I told my teacher, she started laughing and said I will be getting quite an experience for my first wedding. If it's windy, the sound will be blown away and the humidity will change the tuning. Needless to say, I have a couple things to work out with my cousin before the rehearsal.

Anyway, I am looking forward to my summer and have many plans before Challenge II starts in September.

Oh! I just remembered! I'm taking Driver's Ed. in June at the high school down the road. I'm so excited. I will be taking it with two of my friends so that will make it fun. Okay, I'm done now. :) We'll write more next year!