
My Shortest Post Ever

Two nights ago, I could not sleep because I was thinking too much.  So I woke up, emptied my head into my blog, and went on with my day, feeling much better.

Normally, my editor/husband proofs my stuff before I post it to be sure I am:
A) not too wordy

B) not to strident

Apparently in my last post I was both.  Sorry.  

He suggested deleting my previous blog, breaking it into three separate posts, dialing down the rhetoric a tad, and reposting it.  

I have respectfully considered his idea, and have decided that I am going to leave it as is because:

A) it was cathartic

B) if it is too long, people can either choose not read it, or read it in sections over the course of a week or so.

B) just because something is unpleasant to hear doesn't mean it shouldn't be said.  I actually worked hard to write as gently as possible, but what I said is true and real and happening, and I cannot make it prettier.

He is fine with that, but warned me that the handful of you that actually end up sticking it out to the end might come away offended.  I hope instead you will come away angry at the way our children have become targets, and determined to do something about it.  

Here is a link to more evidence from Meghan Cox Gurdon, Children's Book Reviewer for the Wall Street Journal.  The Case for Good Taste in Children's Books

If you don't have time to read my post from yesterday, at least please read her article and think about it.   


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